Thursday, March 30, 2006

Mitch Hedberg, Feb. 24, 1968 - March 29, 2005

Yesterday marked one year since the passing of Mitch Hedberg. He was one of the most original comics I've ever heard and he's had a huge impact on what I find funny (and sub-consciously, how I tell a joke). Mitch's delivery and candid on-stage commentary were his hallmarks, but his jokes are timeless, as well.

I've got a business card, because I want to win some lunches. That's what my business card says: Mitch Hedberg, Potential Lunch Winner.
Let's do lunch... if I'm lucky!

One of the best Mitch moments comes, invariably, once every couple of months when a friend will e-mail a bunch of our friends with a Mitch joke. For the rest of the day, we'll send Mitch Hedberg lines back and forth.

I was in downtown Boise, Idaho, and I saw a duck and I knew the duck was lost, because ducks aren't supposed to be downtown. There's nothing for 'em there. So I went into a Subway sandwich shop and asked for a bun. But she said I couldn't have just the bun, she said I had to have something on it. It's against regulations to sell just the bun; I guess the two halves ain't supposed to touch. So I said, alright, put some lettuce on it. She said it was $1.75 and I said, 'It's for a duck.' She said, 'Well then it's free.' I did not know that. Ducks eat for free at Subway. Had I known that, I would have ordered a much larger sandwich. 'Let me have the steak fajita sub, but don't bother ringing it up, it's for a duck! There's six ducks out there and they all want Sun Chips!'

Mitch Hedberg || Bed and Breakfast (from Mitch All Together)

I couldn't believe it when I found out he had died. I feel very fortunate that I got to see him perform live just a month before in February; you never know when you won't have another chance to see your favorite artists perform. Thankfully Mitch left us with two great albums, which I don't think will ever get old.

If I had a friend that was a tightrope walker and we were walking down the street and he fell, I would find that completely unacceptable.

You can download Mitch on both iTunes (albums and video from his Comedy Central Special) and eMusic. I'd highly recommend buying Mitch All Together in the store for the bonus DVD, which includes both the Comedy Central Special and the uncut performance from which it was taken. The uncut performance represents what made Mitch's performances unique; it is full of brilliance, insecurity and his unique way of self-deprication that always won over a crowd.

I'm sick of following my dreams. So I'm just going to ask where they're going and hook up with them later.

Lots more Mitch from Wikiquote.

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